
Supporting Poland’s transition towards deep renovation

BPIE has been active in Poland since 2012, working on the ground with policymakers, local authorities and market players, with the aim of accelerating Poland’s energy transition. BPIE has developed strong links with national partners, leading to the development of a “shadow renovation strategy” for Poland. BPIE’s role was to undertake a technical analysis and an economic assessment of the costs and benefits of renovating the Polish building stock. It resulted in an ambitious roadmap to guide the transition towards nearly Zero-Energy Buildings and dramatically reduce energy consumption, air pollutants and CO2 emission.

Currently BPIE endeavours to:

  • Continue informing the Polish development of a comprehensive national buildings strategy in light of the updates required by the EPBD,
  • Examine issues specifically related to financing, and identify what can be done to improve the existing landscape for financing building renovation in Poland, especially in the context or air pollution problem,
  • Share best practice cases which can be adapted to the national context,
  • Increase the propensity of building owners and investors to renovate, and at the same time shift the market towards deep renovation.

Following the release of the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package, BPIE published a policy briefing that analysed the elements in the European Commission’s package related to achieving this vision and highlights missing elements which need to be addressed through the legislative negotiations with the European Council and Parliament. A Polish version containing the implications for Poland is available.

In 2018, BPIE published “Financing Renovation of Buildings in Poland”, providing an overview of public funding allocation for the renovation of buildings in Poland. As a result of BPIE and Polish stakeholders engagement a series of workshops was organized by the Ministry concentrating on EPC system improvements.


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