Date & Location: 11.06.2022
Bonn, Germany & Online

UN Bonn Climate Change Conference

PEEB, the UN Climate Change secretariat and the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) are organising two side events at the upcoming UN Bonn Climate Change Conference (Bonn, 6-16 June) that will put buildings and construction at the heart of the climate talks.

With buildings and construction making up 37% of energy-related CO2 emissions globally, the main event, on Saturday, 11 June, will focus on the sector’s critical role in enhancing climate action and reporting under the Paris Agreement. The event “Buildings & Construction: Understanding emissions, setting Paris-compatible targets and providing inputs to the ETF and the global stocktake, the event will take place at 4.45-6.15 PM in Room Kaminzimmer, at the World Conference Center, Bonn. The event will be open to all conference participants and will be webcast live. To watch the event live, go to the UN Climate Change YouTube Channel and click on the reminder button.

In the face of the climate emergency, the building and construction sector needs to assume a vital role in leading the shift to low-emissions and climate-resilient development. There is an urgent need to measure and report existing emissions and the actions implemented or planned to reduce them. A coherent, coordinated, and multilateral approach is needed across the value chain for a greater impact.

The recently published UNFCCC Buildings Monitoring Compendium supports developing countries in enhancing their knowledge on sectoral GHG emissions, emissions reduction target-setting and the design of mitigation and adaptation policies and measures to mitigate climate change and enhance resilience. The Compendium is a valuable tool developing countries can use to implement the Paris Agreement’s enhanced tranparency framework (ETF) and contribute to the global stocktake process.

The UNFCCC secretariat, PEEB and BPIE will present the Compendium to delegates and experts attending the UN Climate Conference in Bonn in person and remotely. At the event, country representatives and development banks will also share their experiences designing and supporting climate action in the building and construction sector.

In addition, the side event Supporting the Implementation of the MRV Arrangements and Enhanced Transparency Framework will showcase support opportunities available to developing country Parties through international partners, including financial resources from the GEF for national reporting. Speakers from the CEEW (Council on Energy, Environment and Water), GEIDCO (Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization), PEEB, GIZ Transport, BPIE, GEF (Global Environment Facility), as well as UNEP CCC will be present. The event will take place on June 9, 2022 at 1.15–2.45 PM. 

Updated information on the side events is available here.


2 minWelcoming by moderatorMariana Castaño Cano, PEEB
5 minRemarksDr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, Climate  
Champion, Egypt (tbc)
5 minRemarksStephane Crouzat, climate
ambassador (France)
5 min
Global Status Report on Buildings and Construction
Buildings on their way to COP27
Nora Steurer, GlobalABC
5 min
Importance of monitoring and understanding GHG
emissions from buildings for climate action towards
the Enhanced Transparency Framework and the
Global Stocktake
Marlan Pillay, UNFCCC
15 minUNFCCC Buildings Compendium presentationOliver Rapf, BPIE
20 minPolicy action in the building sector
From targets-setting to actoin
Morocco, Ministry of Housing
France, Régis Meyer
Others (tbc)
10 minEngaging development banks
and the financial sector   
Jérémy Bourgault, PEEB/AFD
10 minQ-A 
5 min
Summary and way forwards ahead COP27
Scaling up action
Elizabeth Chege, SEforAll
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