[Study] The value of Energy Efficiency in Buildings for the Energy System

A study commissioned by the organization Agora Energiewende and the European Climate Foundation finds that high energy efficiency in buildings is a condition for affordable renewable energy supply.

Efficiency reduces costs and risks, creates many benefits and opportunities. The study assesses how climate targets can be achieved at the lowest possible cost and what role building efficiency plays in the energy system.

Through the study of five different scenarios, the report finds that the cheapest way to a climate-friendly heating system is through greater efficiency efforts in the building sector and especially the insulation of existing buildings. It analyses the impact of the different building sector paths on the other sectors and calculates the total economic costs.

The key findings are:

  • Energy efficiency reduces costs
  • Energy efficiency increases multiple benefits
  • Energy efficiency opens the door for all kinds of technology
  • Energy efficiency reduces risk

BPIE was a member of the technical steering committee for the study.

The study is in German, with an English summary from p27 – 36.

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