Date & Location: 6.07.2021

[Webinar] Canada-EU exchange: Data that Informs Efficiency Policies

Future-oriented policymaking that enables systematic decarbonisation of the building stock and increased investment into clean energy solutions, requires access to comprehensive and transparent energy data. But accessing and building these datasets is far from a straightforward process.

This event has passed. Speakers’ presentations are available here.

The fifth and final webinar of the Canada-EU Exchange explored data collection, tools, and databases that ensure the best available figures to inform policymaking and benchmarking for building policy.

The webinar started with an overview of best practices for data collection and managing large-scale data inventories for buildings, followed by a discussion on evidence-based decision-making: Canadian and European experts explored emerging indicators and discussed how data can inform broader energy efficiency policies that support the decarbonization of buildings.

Presentations and panel discussions addressed the following questions:

  • What are the key indicators of robust energy efficiency policy?
  • What are the arguments and models that can convince a wide range of stakeholders – private individuals, companies, utilities, and institutions – to share their data? What are the incentives to get them to share?
  • How can privacy obstacles to transparent, comprehensive data be overcome?
  • What is the ideal regulatory framework to break down the existing barriers to facilitate comprehensive and transparent data collection?


  • Welcome and housekeeping: Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, BPIE
  • Getting good data: a high-level overview of data collection and best practices, Víctor García Tapia, Energy Data Manager, International Energy Agency (IEA)

Session 1: Data collection and best practices

  • European Data collection: The Building Stock Observatory – Pau García Audi, Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commission
  • Statistics Canada’s Statistical Building Register (SBgR) at a Glance and an Introduction to the National Building Layer (NBL), Philippe Gagné, Assistant-Director & Robert Patrick Dunphy, Manager Data Integration Infrastructure Division, Statistics Canada

Session 2: Evidence based decision making and emerging indicators

Panel discussion composed of European and Canadian experts:

  • Ekaterina Tzekova, Director, Research & Innovation, The Atmospheric Fund
  • Ivan Jankovic, Senior Project Manager, BPIE
  • Nick Martin, Consultant, Dunsky Energy
  • Víctor García Tapia, Energy Data Manager, International Energy Agency

Closing remarks: Pau García Audi, Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commission


Philippe Gagné – Assistant-Director, Data Integration Infrastructure Division, Statistics Canada

During his nearly thirty years of experience at Statistics Canada, Philippe was the project manager of several major initiatives of the Agency. His expertise is in the field of statistical registers and the extraction of survey frames. Among other things, he led the complete redesign of the Business Register in the mid-2000s and is currently implementing the new Statistical Building Register.
He has also devoted a good part of his career to the system of national accounts (SNA), working notably on aspects relating to data integration and confrontation for the supply-use tables. Philippe plays also an advisory role for other hot topics of the Agency, in particular topics regarding information management, data security and privacy-preserving techniques.
Philippe is a qualified electrical engineer (École Polytechnique de Montréal), he holds an MSc in Management Science (École des Hautes études commerciales de Montréal) and a certificate in Economics (Carleton University in Ottawa).

Robert Dunphy – Analyst, Statistical Geomatics Centre, Statistics Canada

Robert has dedicated the majority of his career at Statistics Canada to geospatial infrastructure maintenance. He has significant experience in the management of the National Geographic Database that is the foundation for all spatial based activities for the Agency. He has remained focused on improving data quality through initiatives including the realignment of road network data to GPS-compliant standard at a national scale to enhance spatial accuracy and data interoperability of Statistics Canada spatial products. Robert continues to work towards data integration solutions and improved resolution of spatial data for the Agency.

Ivan Jankovic – Senior Project Manager, BPIE

Ivan holds M.Sc. in mechanical engineering with major in thermal engineering (University of Belgrade) and MBA degree with major in finance (Athens University), while his work experience covers both engineering and finance topics. Ivan worked as energy efficiency consultant and HVAC design engineer for IFI and privately funded projects in Europe and Middle East, concentrating on energy efficiency performance and renovation of public buildings. In addition, Ivan worked in the banking industry as a credit risk analyst for different loans and investments, as well as financial analyst for water and wastewater infrastructure projects in Western Balkans and Serbia.

Nick Martin – Consultant, Dunsky Energy

Nick Martin is a Consultant at Dunsky with seven years of experience in climate and energy policy, strategy, and economics. Nick assists clients by distilling large amounts of data and analysis into actional insights and recommendations. With Dunsky, Nick has contributed to projects with utilities, governments, and non-profits in both the U.S. and Canada with a focus on assessing the comprehensive market opportunity for clean energy technologies and designing policies to support these technologies.  Prior to joining Dunsky, Nick was a Policy Analyst at the Calgary-based Canada West Foundation where he led the organization’s climate and electricity policy. He also spent four years at the Pace Energy and Climate Center in New York, where he focused on demand-side energy issues and carbon regulation including regulatory barriers to distributed solar and combined heat and power, solar tariff design, GHG modeling, carbon cap and trade programs, and microgrid regulatory structures. He also served as Executive Director of the Northeast Clean Heat and Power Initiative. Nick holds a master’s degree in Climate Science and Policy.

Pau García Audi, Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commission

Mr. Pau Garcia is a mechanical engineer, graduate from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and holder of an MSc in Building Services Engineering from Loughborough University. He has worked as a building services engineer in the private sector both in Spain and the UK.

For the last 10 years he has been working in different positions within the European Commission. First as a project officer in charge of projects supporting innovation and policy on energy efficiency in buildings, and then as a Desk Officer in DG-REGIO managing programmes from the European Regional Funds. Since January 2018 he has been working as a policy officer in DG Energy, Energy Efficiency in buildings and products, mostly dealing with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).

Ekaterina Tzekova – Director of Research and Innovation, TAF

Ekaterina Tzekova is the Director of Research and Innovation at TAF, providing strategic direction and oversight to all in-house and collaborative research initiatives. Ekaterina has published and presented widely on topics related to sustainability, building energy performance, material durability, and indoor environmental comfort in North America and Europe. She is a voting member on the National Research Council’s Canadian Commission on Construction Materials.
Ekaterina also served as a guest lecturer and instructor for several programs at the University of Toronto and the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Ekaterina holds a doctorate degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto and is currently residing in Vancouver.

Víctor García Tapia – Energy Data Manager, International Energy Agency (IEA)

Víctor García Tapia is an energy analyst and data manager at the IEA’s World Energy Outlook Division. Prior to this role, he was responsible for the end-use data collection and energy efficiency indicators development work stream at the IEA Energy Data Centre. Before joining the IEA, he worked at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and at Deloitte. He holds an MSc in Energy innovation from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and an MSc in Energy Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

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